Gaming Group
Campaign Ideas
These are a couple ideas
have been playing around with for campaigns / long stories. Many of these
involve reversals of characters' perspective about their opponents.
1) The healer -- The foreground of this campaign, initially, is a
with slavers who have been operating in the area (assumed to be Theran).
Over the course of the campaign, however, the background / subplots begin
take over the and merge with the foreground.
This campaign revolves around an ally of the PCs: a high circle patron
questor of Garlen who steps forward to reward the PCs for good deeds to
innocents who cannot pay for the service (i.e. peasants), and who provides
healing, shelter, and understanding when the heroes are in need. In the
beginning, she should be a 100% sympathetic character, albeit with the
evangelical quality common to many questors. Her attempts at conversion /
persuasion are gentle enough at the start, though, so the PCs should have
little reason to object.
The healer is a high-circle human archmage (a magus who is versatile in
the spellcasting disciplines). She specializes in healing magic, and in
necromantic and controlling sides of Nethermancy and Illusion. She is a
vegetarian (vegan), a pacifist, and a mother hen. She truly does care
her charges, and want to keep them close and sheltered from all life's
She is a strong pacifist, who beleives that even the worst offenders can
redeemed, and can lead productive lives. In return for reduced prices on
healing goods, and other services, she tries to convince the PCs of the
inherent worth of all life. "Where there is life, there is hope." is
a mantra for her. She attempts to convince the characters to use lassoes
whips, attacks to stun and knock down, negotiation and other non-lethal,
non-harmful means to oppose the injustice of the world. She encourages
to "Avoid rather than Defend, Defend rather than Control, Control rather
Oppose, Oppose rather than Harm, Harm rather than Maim, Maim rather than
Kill." She also encourages the PCs to bring their opponents to her, so
she may help in redeeming them and showing them the error of their ways.
sincerely intends to keep them doing further harm, and her ability (and
gratitude of those she has helped before) are more than sufficient for
The healer, however, has follwed her ideals down a dark path. Such a
high-circle follower of Garlen was too great a temptation to resist, and
the Mad passions have combined their talents toward her corruption.
has fueled her anger at the injustice of Death. He has convinced her of
righteousness of the Rulership of her ideals over others lives. Most
significanlty, he has given her the power to best death: to create the
undead. After all, no matter how much pain they endure, according to her
philosophy, even maiming is preferrable to death. Dis has fostered her
belief that she can save everyone, encouraged her to see one way as the
and only way. Moreover, he has granted her the ability to "show them the
True Way" by forcing obedience to her personal ideals. Most insidious of
these is Vestrial: the Clown has hidden from her the effects of what she
doing. So long as she preserves the body, she is blind to the pain of the
spirit. It is, in fact, the healer who employs the slavers: she is
gathering in her flock so that they can be close to her, protected by the
shelter of her hearth (more on this below).
Whether or not she is redeemable or is corrupted beyond redemption up to
PCs and how they approach her. Whatever the case, they will eventually
to confront her in her lair: a necropolis / kaer whose inhabitants she
"saved" from the Scourge, and whose loyalty she commands both as the local
hero, and through the assistance of her spells. A great many of the
residents do not even realize that they are dead, and attribute their
emotional / spiritual torment to their own weakness. After all, their
spirits are always lifted (or rather, their depression is magically
suppressed) when they are in the healer's presence.
2) The summoner -- This campaign is not entirely well-suited to
as the main antagonist possesses magic that is less common id ED than in
other fantasy games: summoning. He has the ability to magically
animals, namegivers, and spirits to his location and magically compel them
do his bidding. The summoned creatures are not mindless automatons, and
frequently harbor a grudge, but the mage holds a magical advantage in the
ability to compel obedience to at least the letter, if not the spirit, of
The conflict arises when the mage (covertly, but clues and opportunities
sabotage his plans should be present) obtains the links and components
to summon the PCs. The mage is an enchanter, and he is well aware that he
will likely obtain better results by persuasion than compulsion, so he
attempts to be reasonable and personable to the characters, and will
to strike bargains with them rather than compel them. In fact, they may
up working for him willingly the first few times he summons them, unless
are particularly contrary or were called away from something particularly
important. In fact, the summoner is not entirely opposed to sending them
back if he has others who could serve him and the summons is particularly
inconvenient for the party. In general, the party should probably be
initially annoyed, but the summoner should be played in a sufficiently
and ingratiating manner than the party is at most annoyed by him, not hot
his blood.
Unfortunately, destiny is not on the side of our summoner, and in his
he manages to break some of his toys. Saddened as he is by this loss, he
certain that his cause is just, and that they would have given their lives
willingly if only they had understood (and there is something of the "they
were only summoned creatures anyway" mentality as well). But, as his
for other helpers dwindle, he is forced to rely more and more on the PCs
services. Where before the tasks may have been easy or agreeable, he
to be forced to use them for more dangerous or onerous tasks ("Cover my
Complications, once the PCs decide they want this man's blood (or at least
give him a stern talking-to while the tables are turned), are many. He
around a great deal. Further, he is well aware of the power knowledge
over a pattern, so he is careful during each of his summonings to be
and inquisitive, but to always wear a mask (magical or otherwise) and
to reveal more than he has to. The PCs are forced to piece together his
purpose from the evidence of the tasks they are required to perform.
Whther the PCs ultimately decide that his purpose is just or not, or
it justifies his actions, is up to them, but do your best to make it a
choice. The summoner should be on a quest of monumental importance (he is
high enough circle to summon the PCs, and to pose them a significant risk
a fair fight), and that quest should have far-reaching (positive)
consequences. On the other hand, it would not hurt him at all to be
that no matter how noble his cause, his victims are real people with real
lives, and real families who greive for them when they misteriously
disappear, and then reappear dead, without ever an explanation, without
knowing what they were dying for, and without ever a chance to say
The PCs should have a chance to meet some of these families in the process
tracking down the summoner, most likely because they were summoned at the
same time as another adept, who was less deceptive than the summoner
By piecing together what all the summoners victims have in common, and
adding that to the subjects he asks them to research, the opponents he
them to fight, etc., the PCs eventually gather enough knowledge to
his whereabouts and confront him directly.
A couple final notes: First, don't get caught in the trap of only
the PCs for combat purposes. Just think how many uses your very own
(and portable!) menagerie could have: entertainers, researchers,
etc. One possible scenario involves the PCs being sold into slavery by
summoner... this allows him to infiltrate the slavers, get what he needs,
PRESTO! the PCs are returned home by the ending of the summoning magic.
guilt pangs over leaving some poor name-givers in slavery.
Second, this campaign was inspired in large part by my frustration with
problems of players not being able to make all the gaming sessions. Some
people simply ignore the "disappearing / reappearing PC" problem, but it
always bothered me. Still, it bothered me even more when we couldn't game
for months at a time because first one person and then another had
conflicts. OK, cutting to the chase (and ending the rant, sorry about
part of the point was that missing players were summoned away at
moments. They were gone as long as needed, but on their return, they
be responsible for creating some entertaining story of exactly what use
summoner had put them to (with some GM guidance to prevent the summoner's
personality and goals from being totally warped).